Elder abuse is the abuse or mistreatment of seniors, and can cause harm to a person's health, safety, or well-being.
Elder abuse can be:
- Action or inaction.
- Misuse of power.
- Misuse or betrayal of trust.
- Failure to show respect.
Forms of elder abuse
Elder abuse can take many forms. This can be financial, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. Elder abuse can also be neglect.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger or if you need emergency help, call 911.
Who to call about elder abuse
If you, or an older adult you know, have been a victim of a theft, fraud or abuse, contact one of the following:
- Older Adult Safety Advisor (Family Services Durham / Durham Regional Police Services): 311, 905-668-7711 extension 2460, or 1-888-721-0622 ext. 2460 (toll free)
- Seniors CRIMESTOPPERS: 1-800-222-8477
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