Wastewater and Sewers
The Regional Municipality of Durham provides wastewater collection and treatment to all kinds of buildings. Wastewater collection and treatment is essential to the economy, our health and for the protection of the environment.
Wastewater Treatment |
The Region treats wastewater and releases effluent into certain bodies of water. Waste quality must meet high standards as set by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. We own and operate these water pollution control systems:
Wastewater collection |
The wastewater collection system moves wastewater from homes, businesses and institutions. It uses a system of underground pipes and pumping stations. Wastewater ends up at a water pollution control plant. Durham Region owns and operates:
Water Pollution Control Plant and Sanitary Sewage Pumping Station Bypasses, Spills and Overflows |
A bypass occurs when sewage is diverted around parts of the sanitary sewage pumping station (SSPS) system or water pollution control plant (WPCP) resulting in potentially partially treated sanitary sewage. An overflow takes place when untreated sewage is discharged from the SSPS system or WPCP at designed locations other than the approved site. Release of untreated sewage from undesigned locations is the SSPS and WPCP is classified as a spill. Extreme weather events such as significant rainfall and snow melt can overwhelm the SSPS systems and WPCPs causing bypasses and overflows. Equipment failure such as a break in the pressurized sanitary sewer pipe (forcemain) conveying sanitary sewage to the WPCP can result in a spill if wastewater leaks into the environment. Bypass, spill and overflow location, frequency and duration All bypass, spill and overflow events are reported to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks through the Ontario Spills Action Centre. Data collected includes the affected facility, date, time, duration, volume and cause of each event. The Region also details all efforts taken to minimize the potential impact of the event on the receiving water body.
*Duration and volume are estimated |
Recreational Vehicle Holding Tank Waste Disposal |
You can empty your recreational vehicle holding tank at these locations: Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Corbett Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant Port Darlington Water Pollution Control Plant Uxbridge Brook Water Pollution Control Plant |
Water pollution control plants annual performance reports |
2016 Water Pollution Control Plants Annual Performance Report 2015 Water Pollution Control Plants Annual Performance Report |
Basement flooding and blocked sanitary sewers |
If you have basement flooding or a blocked sanitary sewer please contact your local depot. |
Biosolids management |
Biosolids are a by-product of the wastewater treatment process. During wastewater treatment, we remove and treat solids. This reduces smell and pathogens. The treated solids produce nutrient-rich organic matter. We call this matter biosolids. In Durham Region, biosolids are burned or applied to farms. Durham Region applies between 1,000 and 5,000 dry tonnes of biosolids to land each year depending on weather and availability. |
Sewer odour complaints |
Sometimes you may notice an earthy-like smell coming from your bathroom sink. It can also come from your basement floor drain. The odour might come from of a dried out drain. Water should always be present in the drain. It prevents the smell from coming back out of the pipes. The drain may also need a cleaning. You can use a store bought drain cleaner. Follow manufacturer guidelines. If the smell is still present, please contact your local depot. |
Sewer Use By-Law |
The Sewer Use By-law controls discharges to Durham Region sanitary sewers and storm sewers. The by-law protects the environment and the operation of our water pollution control plants. It limits what gets in to our sewers. If you have questions about the Sewer Use By-law please contact: The Regional Municipality of Durham Telephone: 905-576-3352 |
Sewer locates |
The Region can locate water pipes and sanitary sewers on public property only. We can find the water service box or extensionernal shut off valve for a home, business or institution. Use a private company to find watermains on private property. If you would like to request a water or sewer locate on public property, please contact your local depot. |
Asset management |
The Region's formal asset management program includes:
Wastewater Master Plan Study |
The Wastewater Master Plan Study develops a long-term strategy for all municipal wastewater collection and treatment systems in Durham Region. |
Integrated Management System
An Integrated Management System (IMS) helps the Region meet the Standard of Care requirements. An IMS demonstrates that management controls over the Region's municipal drinking water and waste water treatment systems exist. We put the IMS in place in 2003. It was for the Region's municipal drinking water systems. The IMS later expanded to include wastewater. This happened when we added the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant. The Duffin Creek plant is currently registered to ISO14001.
The Region is committed to showing leadership through the IMS. The Scope Statement and the Environmental Policy reflects this. The Scope details out objectives to deliver an effective management system. These documents are available through the Region's Integrated Management System co-ordinator.
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