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Smith Bridge over Pefferlaw River in Township of Uxbridge - Canadian Navigable Waters Act
Posted on Thursday, December 07, 2023 09:00 AM
The Regional Municipality of Durham hereby gives notice that an application has been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for approval of the work described herein and its site and plans.
Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act, The Regional Municipality of Durham has deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the online Navigable Waters Registry (, under the NPP File Number 1979-400038 a description of the following work, its site...
2024 Water and Sanitary Sewer User Rates and other related fees and charges
Posted on Monday, November 20, 2023 02:50 PM
Durham Regional Council intends to pass a by-law regarding Water and Sanitary Sewer User Rates and other water and sanitary sewer related fees and charges at an upcoming Finance and Administration Committee meeting:
Finance and Administration Committee Meeting
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.
Council Chambers
Durham Regional Headquarters
605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario
Regional Council will subsequently consider the proposed 2024 Water and Sanitary Sewer User Rates and other related...
Notice to property owners in Durham Region: Destroy noxious weeds
Posted on Tuesday, May 09, 2023 08:43 AM
Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter W.5, Sections 3, 16 and 23 that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within The Regional Municipality of Durham are destroyed throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging costs against the landowner, as set out in the Weed Control Act.
The main purpose of the Weed Control ActR.S.O. 1990 is to reduce the impact...
Railway crossing closure at Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant
Posted on Tuesday, May 02, 2023 11:27 AM
The Regional Municipality of Durham advises that the railway crossing leading into Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) on Osborne Road in Clarington will be closed for maintenance effective Sunday, May 7 at 8 p.m. until Friday May 12 at 4 p.m.
The sanitary dump station for recreational vehicles and trailers will be closed during the railway crossing closure. Alternate sanitary dump stations located at Port Darlington WPCP (93 Port Darlington Road in Clarington) and Corbett Creek WPCP...
Regional Cycling Plan Update: Notice of Study Commencement
Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2020 01:45 AM
About the Study
The Region of Durham is updating the existing 2012 Regional Cycling Plan (RCP) to ensure that it aligns with and fulfils, the Region’s vision and strategies - as outlined in the Region’s current Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The updated RCP will enhance the Region’s cycling network maps and include a clear financial and implementation strategy that builds upon policies that reflect emerging trends, community values and available resources. The following objectives will guide...
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