The goal of the current project is for students to create resource kits that align with one of the five domains using the most current data from the Early Development Instrument (EDI) tool, while making connections to how the kit content fosters one of the four foundations in the Ministry of Education’s Pedagogical Framework "How Does Learning Happen?" The intent of the kits would be to aid educators in their ability to support quality programming, make connections to provincial and municipal legislation, and promote the developmental health of Durham Region children.
Host Department: Social Services
Type of Collaboration: Upper-year group project (e.g. capstone)
Anticipated Outcome: To obtain tangible activities, materials, and resources in the form of a resource kit that educators can use in their early learning programs to support the EDI domains and foster the four foundations of learning, supporting the holistic development of children within Durham Region.
Deliverables: Prototyping
Timeline: 4 months
Desired Start Date: Winter semester 2025