The Regional Municipality of Durham’s Family Services Division delivers counselling and mental health services to community clients in Durham Region. These services have come under increased demand in recent years, and Family Services would like to modernize their service model to reduce wait times for community clients.
The overall goal of this project is to research options for reducing mental health/counselling services wait times, through desktop research and interviews, that have been implemented in other jurisdictions across Ontario and Canada (e.g. walk-in or single session models) and could be adopted in Durham Region to have the greatest impact in reducing wait times. If time permits collaborators could also assist with implementation of new service models (e.g. developing form, procedures, etc.).
Background knowledge in relevant subject matter areas (e.g. mental health, counselling and clinical services) is essential.
Host Department: Social Services
Type of Collaboration: Placement student
Anticipated Outcome: The key deliverable of this project will be a written report, with recommendations, on the best methods for Family Services to adopt in order to reduce counselling services wait times. Assistance with implementation could also occur if time permits.
Deliverables: Literature review/Environmental Scan
Written report
Product Development
Timeline: 4 months
Desired Start Date: Winter semester 2025