Note: Regional Council, Standing Committee, Committee of the Whole and Transit Executive Committee meetings will be held in a hybrid meeting format with electronic and in-person participation. Advisory Committee meetings may be held in a hybrid meeting format or a fully virtual meeting format.
Board and Committee Appointments
The Region of Durham is accepting applications for the following Regional Advisory Committees and Boards:
- Durham Active Transportation Committee (Scugog resident)
- Durham Region Anti-Racism Taskforce
- Durham Region Transit Advisory Committee
Download a Regional Advisory Committee Application Form and Application Form Instructions
Please note that advisory committees are established by Regional Council and may be subject to change at the direction of Council.
How to Apply |
To apply for a board or committee, you need to submit an Application Form. You may apply for more than one board or committee, but you need to complete a separate application for each position. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the Regional Clerk's Office has received your application. Download a Regional Advisory Committee Application Form and Application Form Instructions |
Qualifications - Regional Advisory Committees |
To be eligible for appointment, individuals must be:
Further details and other eligibility requirements are outlined in the Terms of Reference for each board or committee. The following persons are not eligible for appointment to a Regional Committee as a Citizen Appointee:
Qualifications - Durham Regional Police Services Board Community Member |
To be eligible for appointment, individuals must be:
The following persons are not eligible for appointment as a Community Member to the Durham Regional Police Services Board:
Term of Appointment |
Terms are established within the Terms of Reference for each board or committee and may vary from two to four years. Most board and committee positions are for the term of Council (4 years). Current members who are interested in being re-appointed may apply to serve another term and must re-apply in the same way as new applicants. |
Meetings - Advisory Committees |
Regularly scheduled meetings will be held at Durham Region Headquarters, unless otherwise stated. Meetings may be held in a hybrid meeting format with electronic and in-person participation or a fully virtual meeting format. Committee members may participate in the meeting electronically, using Microsoft Teams. All meetings will be open to the public. Individuals may view Committee meetings via live streaming. |
Meeting Schedule - Advisory Committees |
The meeting schedule is established by each board or committee at its inaugural meeting, taking into account the business needs and meeting schedule of Regional Council and Standing Committees. Below is the current meeting schedule for each Advisory Committee
View our Council and Committee Meeting Calendar to see upcoming meeting dates and to access meeting agendas and minutes. |
Remuneration - Advisory Committees |
Advisory Committee appointments are on a volunteer basis. |
Selection Process |
Once the application deadline has closed, application forms are reviewed. A report is submitted to Regional Council with recommended appointments. Regional Council appoints the members to Advisory Committees and all applicants are advised of the decision. Further details on the selection process are outlined in the Terms of Reference for each board or committee. Download the Durham Region Advisory Committee Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure Download the Durham Regional Police Services Board Community Member Appointment Recruitment and Selection Policy |
Standing Committees
The Regional Municipality of Durham uses a Standing Committee structure. Each Standing Committee is made up of seven Regional Council members, and the Regional Chair is an ex officio member of all Committees. Terms of Reference for the Standing Committees can be found in Appendix F of the Procedural By-law.
When there is a matter that affects more than one Standing Committee, the Committee of the Whole will meet. The Committee of the Whole is one committee that includes all Durham Regional Council members and the Regional Chair.
View our Council and Committee Meeting Calendar to see upcoming meeting dates and to access meeting agendas and minutes. If you want to speak at a meeting, view our Speak Before Council, Committee or Transit Executive Committee page.
The four Standing Committees of Regional Council are as follows:
Finance and Administration Committee |
The following Regional Departments report to the Finance and Administration Committee:
Members of the Finance and Administration Committee are:
Health and Social Services Committee |
The following Regional Departments report to the Health and Social Services Committee: Members of the Health and Social Services Committee are:
Community Growth and Economic Development Committee |
The Community Growth and Economic Development Department reports to the Community Growth and Economic Development Committee. Members of the Community Growth and Economic Development Committee are:
Works Committee |
The Works Department reports to the Works Committee. Members of the Works Committee are:
Durham Region Transit Committees
Durham Region Transit is the regional transit system that serves all of Durham's communities.
The Durham Region Transit Commission and Durham Region Transit Executive Committee oversee the operation and management of Durham Region Transit. Durham Region Transit Executive Committee meetings are held monthly and Durham Region Transit Commission meetings are held at the call of the Chair.
View our Council and Committee Meeting Calendar to see upcoming meeting dates and to access meeting agendas and minutes. If you want to speak at a meeting, view our Speak Before Council, Committee or Transit Executive Committee page.
The three Committees of Durham Region Transit are as follows:
Durham Region Transit Commission |
The Durham Region Transit Commission is a municipal service board and was established for the purpose of operating the regional transit system known as Durham Region Transit. Durham Region Transit Commission membership includes all Durham Regional Council Members and the Regional Chair. The Regional Chair is the Chair of the Durham Region Transit Commission. |
Durham Region Transit Executive Committee |
The Durham Region Transit Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing the operation and management of Durham Region Transit on behalf of the Durham Region Transit Commission between meetings of the Commission. Members of the Durham Region Transit Executive Committee are:
Durham Region Transit Advisory Committee |
The Durham Region Transit Advisory Committee provides input to the Durham Region Transit Executive Committee on public transit matters such as conventional, community bus and specialized transit services in Durham Region. The Committee includes members of the public and one member of the Transit Executive Committee. Members of the Durham Region Transit Advisory Committee are:
View the Durham Region Transit Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference for more information |
Agencies, Boards and Advisory Committees
Members of Regional Council and members of the public are appointed to serve on a number of advisory committees, agencies and boards by Regional Council.
If you want to speak at a meeting, view our Speak Before Council, Committee or Transit Executive Committee page.
Below is a list of advisory committees, agencies and boards individuals are appointed to by Regional Council:
911 Management Board |
The 9-1-1 Management Board is responsible for the normal day-to-day operation of the 9-1-1 telephone system. Members Councillor Garrod, Regional Council Representative M. Simpson, Regional Finance Department Staff Member |
Accessibility Advisory Committee |
The Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) provides Durham Regional Council advice on how to make our programs and services easier for people with disabilities. The AAC advises Durham Regional Council on accessibility related to building and structures. Members Councillor McDougall, Regional Council Representative P. Chandwani D. Campbell W. Henshall M. Lloyd J. McEwen S. Sones L. Williams Vacant Vacant Vacant
Canadian National Exhibition Association |
Regional Council Representative Councillor Shahid Contact:
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority |
Members Councillor Crawford, Town of Ajax Councillor S. Elhajjeh (Local Councillor), Municipality of Clarington Councillor C. Traill (Local Councillor), Municipality of Clarington R. Hooper (Citizen Representative), Municipality of Clarington Councillor Chapman, City of Oshawa Councillor Kerr, City of Oshawa Councillor Marimpietri, City of Oshawa Councillor Neal, City of Oshawa Councillor Pickles, City of Pickering Councillor McDougall, Township of Scugog Councillor Garrod, Township of Uxbridge Councillor Leahy, Town of Whitby Councillor Mulcahy, Town of Whitby Councillor Roy, Town of Whitby Councillor Yamada, Town of Whitby Contact:
CTC Source Protection Committee |
Durham Region Representative T. Nimmo, Manager of Water Resource Monitoring & Protection Contact:
Development Charges Complaint Committee |
The purpose of the Development Charges Complaint Committee is to conduct hearings in regards to complaints made under section 20 of the Development Charges Act. Members Councillor Ashe, Chair of Finance and Administration Committee Councillor Roy, Chair of Health and Social Services, Committee Councillor Chapman, Chair of Community Growth & Economic Development Committee Councillor Barton, Chair of Works Committee Regional Chair Henry, Regional Chair |
Durham Active Transportation Committee |
The goal of the Durham Active Transportation Committee is to provide advice to the Region of Durham on Active Transportation matters: urban, rural, utilitarian and recreational. Members Councillor Kerr, Regional Council Representative Councillor Shahid, Regional Council Alternate T. Van Helsdingen, Town of Ajax K. Mirani, Township of Brock C. Houston, Municipality of Clarington B. Astley, City of Oshawa A. Heywood, City of Pickering Vacant, Township of Scugog P. Smith, Township of Uxbridge R. Lalonde, Town of Whitby Activities and plans
Durham Advisory Committee on Homelessness |
Regional Council Representative Councillor Brenner |
Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee |
The Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) advises Council of agricultural and rural matters. DAAC members have diverse experiences and knowledge of agricultural and rural issues. Members Councillor Wotten, Regional Council Representative Councillor Woo, Regional Council Alternate M. Shiers, Durham Region Federation of Agriculture J. McKay, Durham Farm Fresh N. Guthrie, Town of Ajax T. Watpool, Township of Brock T. Barrie, Municipality of Clarington D. Stevenson, City of Oshawa G. Taylor, City of Pickering N. Swain, Township of Scugog B. Hulshof, Township of Uxbridge R. Death, Town of Whitby Z. Cohoon, Member at Large B. Smith, Member at Large H. Schillings, Member at Large D. Risebrough, Member at Large G. L. O'Connor, Member at Large M. Somerville, Member at Large Activities and plans
Durham Environment and Climate Advisory Committee |
The Durham Environment and Climate Advisory Committee (DECAC) gives advice about environmental and climate change matters affecting Durham. On December 21, 2022, Durham Regional Council endorsed to dissolve the Durham Region Roundtable on Climate Change as a Regional advisory committee, and subsume climate change matters within a revised name and mandate of the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC). See Report #2022-COW-28 for more information. Members Councillor Shahid, Regional Council Representative Councillor Wotten, Regional Council Alternate M. Nasir, Town of Ajax W. Basztyk, Township of Brock K. Murray, Municipality of Clarington D. Stathopoulos, City of Oshawa O. Chaudhry, City of Pickering G. Carpentier, Township of Scugog B. Foxton, Township of Uxbridge B. Widner, Town of Whitby K. Lui, Member at Large J. Cuthbertson, Member at Large P. Cohen, Post-Secondary Student Member Vacant, Youth Member Activities and plans
DECAC highlights 2024 DECAC Art from Garbage Contest Winners Contest submissions for the DECAC Art From Garbage were displayed and open for voting at the Durham Climate Forum, which took place on October 19th, 2024.
1st Place Serena De Souza (Grade 8) St. John Paul II Catholic School and Tyler Wilson (Grade 9) All Saints Catholic Secondary School Tortuga Marina Our project is a representation of water pollution by showing a sea turtle swimming in an ocean full of trash. Studies show that more than 1,000 sea turtles die from pollution every year. We wanted to bring awareness to this global problem that affects our marine friends. We collected garbage from our community to help protect our environment and to show the importance of keeping our earth clean and safe for all beings.
2nd Place Alexander Foehner (Grade 4) Captain Michael VandenBos Public School Alexander has a passion for trains, he has helped his dad build quite the model of trains in his basement. Using recycled material and garbage, he has built a train, train station and a general 3D Train Model, using popsicle sticks, cardboard, cans, yogurt bottles, amazon bags, and bread bags. He collected some of the materials like the yogurt containers and the yogurt lids from others at school.
3rd Place Students of Ms. O’Neill’s Religion Class (Grade 9) St. Stephen Catholic Secondary School, Bowmanville Gratitude Attitude This piece, crafted entirely from recycled materials, was created in preparation for Thanksgiving. All 29 grade 9 students were challenged to identify something they are grateful for. As a class, they sourced ‘discarded’ art supplies from around the school - including paint, books, worksheets and cardboard boxes. Gratitude involves showing appreciation for the things in life that are meaningful or valuable to you. Our faith teaches us that we are custodians or caretakers of the land, and as such acknowledge the significant role we play in being stewards of the land.
Durham Environmental Achievement Awards The Durham Environmental Achievement Awards were established in 2003 to recognize and acknowledge environmental achievements of individuals and organizations in the public, private, and non-profit sectors within Durham Region. The awards program has eight categories, which were named in memory of past environmental leaders. The 2023 Awards took place on November 14th, 2023 at the Durham Environment & Climate Forum. Click to view the public service announcement recognizing the 2023 recipients.
Past Events Link to view the 2021 Virtual Durham Environmental Achievement Awards. |
Durham Local Immigration Partnership Council |
Members Councillor Roy, Chair of Health and Social Services Committee A. Hector-Alexander, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion |
Durham Nuclear Health Committee |
Durham Region Anti-Racism Taskforce |
Members Councillor Lee, Regional Council Representative Councillor Shahid, Regional Council Representative Councillor Anderson, Regional Council Alternate E. Baxter-Trahair, Chief Administrative Officer B. Goodwin, Chief Administrative Officer's Alternate S. Bookal, Community Member R. Coelho, Community Member A. Frempong, Community Member J. Munawa, Community Member J. Williamson, Community Member G. Wilson-Beier, Community Member P.G. Case, Industry/Association/Public Institution Representative B. Nelson, Industry/Association/Public Institution Representative N. Samuel, Industry/Association/Public Institution Representative
Durham Region Child and Youth Advocate |
Councillor Anderson |
Durham Region Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Steering Committee |
Members Councillor Crawford, Regional Council Representative Councillor Brenner, Regional Council Alternate |
Durham Regional Local Housing Corporation |
Members Regional Chair Henry Councillor Anderson, Health and Social Services Committee Councillor Carter, Health and Social Services Committee Councillor Jubb, Health and Social Services Committee Councillor Leahy, Finance and Administration Committee Councillor Chapman, Community Growth & Economic Development Committee Councillor Barton, Regional Council |
Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
Members Regional Chair Henry Councillor Ashe, Chair of Finance and Administration Committee Councillor Roy, Chair of Health and Social Services Committee Councillor Foster, Health and Social Services Committee Councillor Dies, Regional Council Contact:
Durham Regional Police Services Board |
Members Councillor Woo (Regional Chair Alternate) Councillor Carter, Regional Council Councillor Collier, Regional Council Karen Fisher, Citizen Member Municipal Diversity Plan and Recruitment Policy Contact: Police Headquarters |
Durham Vision Zero Task Force |
Councillor Barton, Works Committee representative Councillor Marimpietri, Works Committee representative
Energy from Waste - Waste Management Advisory Committee |
The purpose of the Energy from Waste - Waste Management Advisory Committee is to provide a forum for the public and other stakeholders to monitor, review and liaise with the Region on the Durham York Energy Centre (DYEC) and the Region’s integrated waste management system. Durham Region residents G. Best M. Cannon R. Fleming G. Gordon K. Palinka Clarington residents G. Baswick P. Haylock T. Shomar J. Vinson
Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority |
Members Councillor Woo, Municipality of Clarington Councillor M. Zwart (local councillor), Municipality of Clarington Contact:
Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance |
Councillor Wotten, Regional Council Representative Councillor Neal, Regional Council Alternate Contact:
Greater Toronto Airports Authority |
Durham Region Representative J. van't Hof Contact:
Kawartha Region Conservation Authority |
Members Councillor C. Pettingill (local councillor), Township of Brock Councillor L. Rang (local councillor), Municipality of Clarington Councillor R. Rock (local councillor), Township of Scugog Councillor H. Wright (local councillor), Township of Scugog Contact:
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority |
Members Councillor C. Pettingill (local councillor), Township of Brock Councillor D. LeRoy (local councillor), Township of Scugog Councillor Garrod, Township of Uxbridge Contact:
Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Association |
Regional Council Representative Councillor Pickles Contact:
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority |
Members Councillor Dies, Town of Ajax Councillor Ashe, City of Pickering Councillor Barton, Township of Uxbridge Contact:
Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Committee |
Municipal Group Representative R. Franklin Contact:
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