Durham-Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit
The Durham-Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is an approximate 36-kilometre bus rapid transit corridor that will serve Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and Scarborough. It would provide:
- Frequent five-minute service during peak service by 2030, along with 10-to-30 minute service during off peak times.
- Dedicated bus lanes and signal priority measures.
- 20-minute time savings for transit trips along the corridor.
Through the Investing in Canada infrastructure Program (ICIP), the Regional Municipality of Durham is designing and constructing key segments through Pickering, Ajax and Whitby.
Status of Construction for Kingston Road in Pickering
Altona Road to Steeple Hill – Construction timing to be determined.
Steeple Hill to Merritton Road – Construction planned for 2025.
Merritton Road to Dixie Road – Construction timing to be determined.
Dixie Road to Bainbridge Drive – Construction planned for 2025.
Bainbridge Drive to Notion Road – Construction timing to be determined.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Bus Rapid Transit?
Bus Rapid Transit, or BRT, is transit infrastructure and service with buses running in their own exclusive right-of-way. The buses are fully separated from traffic with longer spacing between stops than regular bus routes to maintain higher average speeds and ensure reliability of the service.
How do drivers reach the opposite side of the road?
Supporting the Region’s Vision Zero initiative, a barrier curb will be constructed down the centre of the road. This barrier curb reduces the number and severity of collisions. York Region has seen 51-74 per cent fewer collisions after a median barrier was installed as part of their BRT project. Drivers will be able to make left handturns and U-turns during protected phases at signalized intersections.
What should I expect during construction?
- Pedestrian traffic and access to businesses will be maintained.
- Emergency access will be maintained at all times.
- The use of heavy equipment during construction may cause dust and vibration.
Who do I contact if I have a question or concern?
Keeping the public informed and engaged is important to us. Our project team will be working with property owners, businesses and residents. For more information, please contact:
Matthew Darling P.Eng. – Project Manager
905-668-7711 extension 2817
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