Lead Service Replacement Program
The lead service replacement program is a proactive approach to reducing lead water service pipes in Durham Region.
Lead was once thought to be a beneficial plumbing material as it is highly malleable and resistant to corrosion. Municipalities and contractors phased-out lead pipes for use in plumbing when the negative health effects associated with lead were recognized. The National Plumbing Code banned the use of lead piping in 1975 and later banned the use of lead solder and fittings in the mid 1980s. Replacing any existing lead water service pipes is the best way to reduce your exposure to lead in drinking water.
What is a water service pipe? |
The water service pipe delivers water from the watermain to a building. This service pipe is jointly owned by both Durham Region and the customer (property owner). The service pipe on private property is the responsibility of the property owner as illustrated by the diagram.
Can I have my water tested for lead analysis? |
Durham Region offers free drinking water testing for lead in residences and businesses receiving municipal water supply. To qualify, buildings must have been built prior to 1990. For more information or to schedule sample collection, you may complete the online Lead Testing Request Form or contact the Works Department, Technical Support Division by phone at 905-668-7711 extension. 3488 or by e-mail at WorksTechnical@Durham.ca. Once a water sample request is received, a technician will confirm that the address provided qualifies for a free sample. Once confirmed, you will be mailed a package that includes sample bottles, a chain of custody form and instructions for taking the sample. The sample must be taken from the kitchen tap (or tap most commonly used for drinking) and will take approximately forty-five minutes. During this time, it is important to ensure there is no other water use throughout the entire building. After the sample is collected, you may mail or deliver the sample bottles and completed chain of custody form to the York-Durham Regional Environmental Laboratory where the analysis will take place. Results will be provided to you as soon as they are available through email. |
How do I volunteer for the Region’s Lead Monitoring program? |
The Works Department is currently requesting volunteers from Bowmanville in the Municipality of Clarington to allow water samples to be taken from their internal plumbing, as part of the Region’s Lead Monitoring Program.
This program was implemented throughout municipalities in Ontario to comply with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks Drinking Water System Regulations. To participate in the program, volunteers must:
Participants in this program will have their residence or business visited by Regional staff twice each year, at pre-arranged times, to take water samples from the tap. The samples will be analyzed for lead, and volunteers will receive a copy of the analytical results. There will be no charge for this service. To participate in the program, or for more information, contact LeadMonitoring@durham.ca or dial 311 (within Regional limits) or 905-668-7711 ext. 2059 (toll free at 1-800-372-1102). Please be prepared to provide your name, contact details, address, age of building, type of plumbing and any treatment devices being used. Only a limited number of participants will be chosen to take part in this program. |
How do I know if I have a lead water service? |
Lead water service pipes are typically found in homes built prior to the mid-1950s. If possible, examine the pipe that connects to the water meter. Lead pipe is generally a dull grey colour, is soft and will turn a bright silver colour when scratched with a key or coin. To confirm whether your home has a lead pipe, it is recommended that you hire a licensed plumber. |
I have a confirmed lead service, what are the next steps? |
If you have a confirmed lead service and are planning to replace the private portion of your lead service, Durham Region will replace the lead pipe on municipal property to ensure a full lead service replacement. Complete the Lead Service Replacement Application Form and send the application form along with supporting documentation, to the contact information provided on the form. The costs associated with replacing the service pipe on private property is the property owner’s responsibility. Durham Region will only fund and replace the Region-owned water service pipe. |
What does the lead service replacement program include? |
Upon replacement of a lead water service, you will receive:
How can I reduce my exposure to lead from drinking water? |
Complete lead service pipe replacement
Use water filters that are certified for lead removal
Use an alternative source of water for cooking and drinking
Complete an internal flush after periods of no use
For more information, view the Health Department's Lead in Drinking Water Fact Sheet. You can contact Technical Support Division at 1-800-372-1102 extension 3488 or by e-mail at workstechnical@durham.ca.
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