The Region of Durham offers various giveaway and waste events throughout the year, including Curbside Giveaway Days, Environment Days and Compost Giveaway Events.
Transforming Waste Into Energy! Durham York Energy Centre PA Day Events

Ever wonder what happens to our household waste after collection? Drop in to our free, family-friendly events at the Durham York Energy Centre and explore how we are transforming household waste into valuable resources!
Event Dates:
Please check back for 2025 event dates.
Here's what you can expect:
- Guided tours to our control room to view the waste pit and ‘claw’!
- Interactive waste sorting games.
- Meet the staff and have your questions answered by our team.
The event will have accessible parking and access.
Curbside Giveaway Days

Curbside Giveaway Day events are organized in cooperation with the local municipalities, where residents place unwanted items in good condition—clearly marked FREE—on their curb for anyone to pick up. At the end of the Giveaway Day, residents return unclaimed items to their home.
Please ensure items whether new or used, are safe and meet current regulatory requirements. It is important to only place items that are in good condition. The Region is not responsible for quality of items placed out for the Curbside Giveaway Day.
Spring Event:
Saturday, June 14, 2025
7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Fall Event:
Saturday, September 13, 2025
7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Mark all the items you wish to give away as “free” and secure the labels with tape.
- Remember to obey all traffic laws and watch for children.
- Do not block traffic, sidewalks, or place items on the road.
- Do not trespass on other people’s property, block other people’s driveways or park illegally.
Please continue to follow safe and sanitary practices when participating in the giveaway:
- Clean and disinfect tables and items prior to the swap.
- Clothing or other fabric items should be laundered prior to the giveaway. We also recommend laundering any clothing you have acquired.
- For additional guidance: Facts for Garage Sale Vendors -
Please clean and disinfect all items prior to the swap.
- Appliances
- Bicycles
- Tools
- Furniture
- Books/movies/DVDs
- Kitchen utensils
- Building materials
- Computers and electronics
- Yard and garden equipment
- Clothes
- Usable paint
- Sporting goods
- Musical instruments
- Plants, potted trees, etc.
- Other durable goods
Please do not put out any items with a potential safety risk.
- Opened or used Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Garbage or recyclables
- Chemicals of any kind
- Weapons of any kind
- Food items
- Mattresses (potential for bedbug infestation)
- Broken furniture
- Dangerous/illegal items
- Car/booster seats
- Baby gates and walkers
- Cribs/cradles
Check for consumer product recalls posted by Health Canada.
- Please remove items remaining at the curb by 7 p.m.
- Material left at the curb after the Curbside Giveaway Day will be subject to by-law enforcement.
- Unwanted items that are in good condition can be posted in a local buy and sell group.
- Listed below are only some organizations and charities in Durham that accept gently used items for donation. Please contact the organization in advance to ensure it accepts materials or items you’d like to donate. There are many grassroots organizations working to support others, we encourage residents to explore available options.
Compost Giveaway Events
Green Bins and backyard composters will not be available at these events. Purchase new Green Bins, kitchen containers or backyard composters or exchange broken Green Bins and kitchen containers online with free home delivery.
Collected leaf and yard waste is processed into nutrient-rich compost. In the spring, residents are invited to our complimentary compost giveaways. Quantities are first-come, first served and limited to four blue boxes of compost per vehicle.
What should I bring?
- Shovels: residents are responsible for shoveling their own compost.
- Containers: blue boxes, reusable containers, yard waste bags.
Residents are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item, to be donated to a local food bank (please check that boxes and cans are not damaged, opened or expired).
Event Dates:
Saturday, April 26, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Ajax Operations Centre
800 Salem Road North, Ajax
Saturday, May 3, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Lakeview Park (parking lot)
Kluane Avenue, Oshawa
Saturday, May 3, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Clarington Operations Depot 42
178 Darlington-Clarke Townline Road, Bowmanville
Saturday, May 10, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Whitby Operations Centre
333 McKinney Drive, Whitby
Saturday, May 10, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Uxbridge Arena & Recreation Centre
291 Brock Street West, Uxbridge
Saturday, May 24, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Scugog Community Recreation Centre
1655 Reach Street, Port Perry
Saturday, May 24, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Foster Hewitt Memorial Community Centre
176 Main Street, Beaverton
Saturday, May 31, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Don Beer Arena
940 Dillingham Road, Pickering
Environment Days
Drop off items for reuse, recycling and safe disposal at Environment Days.
We accept:
- Clothing and textiles in all conditions, please wash before donating
- Shoes and accessories
- Home decor, bedding and linens
- Games, toys, puzzles and sporting goods
We do not accept:
- Garbage
- Household hazardous waste
- Electronics
- Furniture
- Cribs, high chairs, strollers and all other baby equipment
- Renovation material
Charities have the right to refuse materials. Unaccepted materials are your responsibility. You can bring unaccepted materials to a waste management facility. Fees will apply.

We accept:
- Display devices (televisions and monitors)
- Drones
- Home audio/video systems
- Desktop computers
- Home theatre in-a-box systems
- Cameras and security cameras
- Vehicle audio/video systems (aftermarket)
- Portable Computers
- Personal/portable audio/video systems
- Musical instruments and recording equipment
- Video gaming systems and peripherals
- Computer peripherals (routers, cables, chargers, USB)
- Desktop printing/multi-function devices, 3D printers and printer cartridges
- Phones (telephones, cellular & smart phone devices, pagers)
We accept:
- Anti-freeze
- Batteries
- Car batteries
- Cooking oil
- Compressed cylinders
- Fluorescent lamps and energy efficient, compact light bulbs (CFLs)
- Fuel (non-transferable)
- Household chemicals and cleaners
- Lawn and garden chemicals
- Medicine
- Mercury thermostats
- Motor oil
- Paints and solvents
- Pool chemicals
- Propane tanks
- Syringes (contained in a sealed puncture-proof container)
- Waxes and polishes
Tips for attending:
- Pack HHW in sturdy cardboard boxes so that it does not spill during transport.
- Put like chemicals together.
- Separate different chemicals.
- Do not mix products together.
- Label materials that are not in their original containers.
- Make sure containers are not leaking and lids are tightly sealed.
- Place boxes in your car trunk, on a plastic sheet.
- Place it away from passengers.
- At the event, staff will ask you to remain in your car while they remove the HHW from your trunk.
2025 Event Dates:
Saturday, April 26, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Ajax Operations Centre
800 Salem Road North, Ajax
Saturday, August 16, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Clarington Operations Depot 42
178 Darlington-Clarke Townline Road, Bowmanville
Saturday, September 20, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Uxbridge Seniors Centre
75 Marietta Street, Uxbridge
Saturday, October 18, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex
1867 Valley Farm Road, Pickering
October is Circular Economy Month
The Regional Municipality of Durham is celebrating Circular Economy Month this October. The Circular Innovation Council has extended Waste Reduction Week in Canada beyond the third week of October into Circular Economy Month to educate and excite Canadians about the opportunities and benefits of the circular economy.
The third week of October will continue as Waste Reduction Week (WRW), with daily themes related to specific waste streams and the waste reduction component of a circular economy. The primary goal of the week is to celebrate environmental efforts and achievements while encouraging innovative new ideas and solutions.
Daily Themes:
- Repair Monday
- Textiles Tuesday
- E-waste Wednesday
- Plastics Thursday
- Food Waste Friday
- Sharing Economy Saturday
- Swap Sunday
The remainder of the month will focus on introducing the concept of circular economy and highlighting its broader social, environmental, and economic benefits.
Throughout the year, the Region supports residents in their waste reduction efforts by promoting the five “Rs” (Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover), collecting materials such as textiles and electronic waste at Waste Management facilities, and with special pick-ups. Additional opportunities through special waste events, including annual environment days and compost giveaways, provide residents with options to implement waste reduction efforts.
The Region, together with our residents, is committed to supporting the circular economy and will continue to deliver innovative waste reduction, diversion, and disposal programs to meet the needs of our growing population. The 2022 to 2040 Long-term Waste Management Plan (Waste Plan) is focused on rethinking and reducing the waste we create, managing resources, and finding opportunities to create energy from waste.
To learn more about Circular Economy month, visit For more information about waste reduction in Durham Region, visit