Who do I call when I see flooding?
If you are in danger call 911 immediately.
Different types of flooding require different resources and help. Learn more about who to contact if you see or experience flooding.
If you live near a watercourse, you are responsible for reporting incidents such as blockages and flooding. To report flood risk issues, contact your local conservation authority.
The property owner is responsible for private drainage. Contact your insurance representative for any property related damages due to flooding. Consider adding other types of flood coverage to your policy as necessary.
Flooding doesn’t just happen near rivers and lakes. Stormwater runoff happens in our neighborhoods when there is more water than our drainage systems can handle and nowhere for it to go. If you are having problems with the storm sewer in your neighbourhood, like pooling of water at the catchbasin, contact your local municipality.
You may also experience sanitary sewer back up. This is not the same as stormwater runoff. This happens when the sewer pipe that runs from your home to the sanitary sewer pipe is blocked by items like roots or grease or overwhelmed by volume. If you have a sewer backup problem in your home, contact Durham Region.
Contact Information
myDurham 311 Customer Portal
Within regional boundaries: 311
Outside regional boundaries: 905-668-7711 or 1-800-372-1102
Email: info@durham.ca
You can report basement flooding to your local Region of Durham Works Department depot. For after-hours emergencies, please call: 905-576-9991 or 1-800-372-1104.
Local Conservation Authority Contact
Check your local Conservation Authority's website first to view flood forecasting and warning information that is the most up to date.
- Toronto and Region Conservation Authority - 416-661-6600
- Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority - 905-895-1281
- Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - 905-579-0411
- Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority - 905-885-8173
- Kawartha Conservation Authority - 705-328-2271
Local Municipality Contact
- Ajax: 905-683-4550
- Brock: 705-432-2355
- Clarington: 905-623-3379
- Oshawa: 905-436-3311
- Pickering: 905-683-7575
- Scugog: 905-985-7346, after hours emergency: 905-434-2173.
- Uxbridge: 905-852-9181, After-hours emergency: 1-877-426-4459
- Whitby: 905-430-4300
Access mental health resources
- Distress Centre Durham: Call centre for emotional support and crisis intervention. Visit www.distresscentredurham.com, call 905-430-2522 or text 258258
- Kids Help Phone: E-mental health services for kids, teens, and young adults. Visit www.kidshelpphone.ca, call 1-800-668-6868 (toll-free) or text CONNECT to 686868
- Hope for Wellness Line: Available to all Indigenous peoples across Canada who need immediate crisis intervention. Call 1-855-242-3310 (toll-free) or visit www.hopeforwellness.ca
- Mind Beacon: A free virtual mental health support program for Ontario residents to work one-on-one with a therapist to deal with stress, anxiety, depression and more. Visit www.info.mindbeacon.com/btn542
- Bounce Back Ontario: A free program from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) that helps you build skills to improve your mental health. Visit www.bouncebackontario.ca

Download this image produced by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to remember who to call in the future when you see flooding.