Local campaign educates about the use of naloxone to help reverse opioid overdose
“Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose” said Lee Truong, a public health nurse with the Health Department. “Naloxone is a nasal spray that is easy to give, safe to use, and not addictive. It can help to restore normal breathing within two to three minutes.”
Opioids are a type of drug usually prescribed to treat pain and can be addictive. An opioid overdose slows breathing, which in turn prevents oxygen from getting to the brain. Within three to five minutes, this lack of oxygen to the brain could result in permanent brain damage and may ultimately cause death.
This public awareness campaign is part of a comprehensive plan to address the opioid crisis locally. The plan also includes several other strategies being undertaken by the Health Department and the Durham Region Opioid Task Force such as, assessing local gaps in care and, where feasible, redirecting or leveraging local services to address the identified gaps.
To learn more about naloxone and where to get a free naloxone kit, go to Ontario.ca/naloxone. For more information about the Durham Region Opioid Task Force, visit durham.ca/opioids.
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For more information, please contact the Health Department.
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