Apply for Housing
Select the type of housing you want to apply for.
Social housing and rent-geared-to-income (RGI) |
The Region of Durham funds and monitors most social housing providers in the region. We also operate the Durham Regional Local Housing Corporation (DRLHC). It is the largest social housing provider in the region. All social housing providers offer rent-geared-to-income (RGI). Some private landlords also provide RGI under agreement with the Region of Durham. Keep in mind that there is a long wait list for RGI units. |
Affordable housing |
Affordable housing is housing that was developed with government funding. Rents in affordable housing are about 80 per cent of the average market rent for similar units in the area. Affordable housing providers keep their own wait lists. |
Seniors' housing |
Some social and affordable housing providers have properties where only seniors live. Others have specific units for seniors but also house non-seniors. Seniors’ housing may be rent-geared-to-income (RGI) or market rent, and some units may be modified for accessibility. |
Accessible (modified) housing |
Some social and affordable housing providers have units that are modified to make them accessible for people using a wheelchair or with other special needs. |
Alternative housing |
Some social housing providers offer alternative housing for people who have experienced homelessness, or who have had difficulty finding and maintaining tenancies. They offer support services to help people move back into the community after long periods of homelessness or unstable housing. People who live in alternative housing pay rent-geared-to-income (RGI). Contact the alternative housing provider directly to apply.
Portable housing benefit |
A portable housing benefit (PHB) is a monthly benefit paid directly to eligible low-income households to bridge the gap between affordable rent (roughly 30 per cent of income) and some or all of average market rent.
Other community housing providers |
Some community housing providers in Durham Region are not funded by the Region of Durham. They keep their own wait lists and may offer market rent units, subsidized units or units that have been modified for accessibility. |
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