Regional Woodland By-Law
Regional Woodland By-law (former Regional Tree By-law)
If you are planning to cut down or remove trees within a woodland area, you may need a permit from The Regional Municipality of Durham.
The Regional Woodland By-Law reflects our commitment to protect forested areas and the natural environment.
Application Forms and Fees
To obtain a permit, complete and submit the application form, required documents and certified cheque to the Durham Region Community Growth and Economic Development Department for review.
Application Types | Fees |
1. Application for Good Forestry Practices Permit | $50 |
2. Application for Clear Cutting Permit (Between 0.1 Ha and 1 Ha) |
$500 |
3. Application for Clear Cutting Permit (Greater than 1 Ha) |
$1,000 (excluding advertising costs of a public meeting) |
In all cases, consultation with Regional staff is recommended. The Region has also engaged the services of a Forestry Consultant for by-law enforcement, administration and to assist with technical advice.
Please note that even though you may not be subject to the Regional Woodland By-law, you may be subject to an area municipal tree cutting by-law.
Contact Us
Community Growth and Economic Development
Community Growth - Forestry
The Regional Municipality of Durham
605 Rossland Road East
Whitby, Ontario Canada L1N 6A3
Telephone (within regional limits): 311
Telephone: 905-668-7711 extension 2551
Email Community Growth - Forestry
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