Early Learning and Child Care
The Children's Services Division (CSD) is the system manager for early learning and child care in Durham Region. The Children's Services Division is responsible for managing a coordinated and responsive early learning and child care system that supports children and their families in reaching their best potential.
2023 to 2027 Early Learning and Child Care Service Plan
The 2023 to 2027 Early Learning and Child Care Service Plan is a comprehensive plan that focuses on system priorities as identified through consultation with the early learning and child care community, including families. The plan will guide the work of the Children's Services Division, allowing for flexibility to respond to changes that may occur over time.
2023 to 2027 Early Learning and Child Care Service Plan
Directed Growth Plan - Appendix 1
The Directed Growth Plan represents Appendix 1 of the 2023 to 2027 Early Learning and Child Care Service Plan. This document provides details that will inform planning and approvals of expansion for the Regional Municipality of Durham that is eligible for Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) funding. This Appendix will be updated annually as required to ensure the most current data is used for future planning.
Update on the CWELCC system growth plan
Current and prospective licensee are asked to monitor this page for updates. The Children's Services Division receives a high volume of calls and emails regarding CWELCC expansion. To support CWELCC inquiries, CSD is committed to providing general information and updates on this website.
Growth for CWELCC eligible child care spaces must align with the Children's Services Division's 2023 to 2027 Early Learning and Child Care Service Plan and follow provincial guidelines. All new CWELCC spaces must be approved by the Region of Durham Children's Services Division. Approvals will be based on several variables, including but not limited to:
- The availability of requested child care spaces within Regional targets.
- Adherence to the Regional minimum non-profit auspice ratio of 70 per cent.
- The age group to be served by the proposed new spaces (e.g., Infant, toddler, preschool).
- Whether the location of the proposed new spaces is in a priority neighbourhood as determined by the Region's community analysis data.
- Alignment of new space creation with all other Regional service plan and provincial directives and guidelines.
The Ministry of Education has provided municipalities with space targets for CWELCC-funded growth. Durham Region received the mandate to expand the CWELCC system by 2,029 spaces in schools and community-based locations between 2022-2026. All 2024 community-based spaces were expended. The Region of Durham received 0 new community-based spaces for 2025 and 489 for 2026. Durham Region recognizes the need for child care to continue to grow throughout the Region and has requested additional growth spaces. This request is under review by the Ministry of Education.
Application for expansion or enrolment in CWELCC
Updated: March 10, 2025
Thank you to all that applied for CWELCC directed growth spaces during the online application period in 2024. The application period is currently closed.
At this time, all growth targets to expand the CWELCC system have been met. For 2025, the Region of Durham did not receive an allocation of community-based growth spaces from the Ministry of Education. Should growth spaces become available, those who have previously applied for or requested spaces will be contacted.
The Ministry of Education has advised system service managers that a space recalibration of existing space targets for 2025 and 2026 is currently in progress. More information is to follow once information has been received from the Ministry.
CWELCC Operators
To determine if a child care program has been enrolled in CWELCC, please visit our Child Care Directory or Program Locator:
Child Care Directory
Child Care Program Locator
Regional Details |
Approved child care expansion projects must align with Durham Region's 2023 to 2027 Early Learning and Child Care Service Plan including Durham’s plan for directed growth. Growth will focus on priority neighbourhoods determined by variables that incorporate equity of access, demographics, socio-economic indicators, existing licensed child care capacity, and annual directed growth targets for Durham Region. Licensees interested in participating in the CWELCC system must apply to the Region of Durham, Children’s Services Division for confirmation that their project aligns with the regional-directed growth plan and falls within space targets. If the project location and proposed capacity align with the regional plan, the licensee will be required to provide additional financial information as part of the application process. |
Background and Licensing |
Every application submitted to the Ministry of Education for a licence to operate a child care centre or a home child care agency must include:
Similar documentation will be required from licensees applying for a revised licence to increase existing licensed capacity. Applications for a licence to operate a child care centre must include proof that the premises is zoned appropriately at the time of application. |
Information and Contact Details |
Licensees not currently operating in Durham: If you are interested in opening new child care programs under the CWELCC system and are not currently operating a child care centre in Durham, please reference this page for updates and information. Due to the high volume of calls, we ask for your understanding and diligence to monitor web information, as individual information-seeking calls may take time to be responded to. CWELCC Opt-Out licensing forms: Licensees who are seeking sign-off on license applications that will opt out of CWELCC can email their completed forms to childcareoperators@durham.ca for processing. |
On June 10, 2009 , The Durham Regional Council approved the Durham Region Child and Youth Charter – Children’s Charter. In partnership with the Durham Best Start Committee, children and youth came together in 2009 to review the rights of children and describe what they mean to them, using their own words.
The Children's Services Division strives to meet the diverse needs of children, families and the people who work with them. We support:
- Families who need help with the daily cost of child care.
- Children with special concerns and needs in licensed child care.
- Educators and child care operators.
- Families looking for licensed child care in the community or in our Regional Early Learning and Child Care Centres.
- Families looking for EarlyON programs.
Contact Us