Pedestrian crossovers are helping pedestrians to safely cross the street

Pedestrian crossovers make it safer and easier for pedestrians to cross the street. These locations are designated using special pavement markings, specific signage and sometimes lights.
Drivers, pedestrians and cyclists all have a responsibility to help everyone to safely navigate pedestrian crossovers.
- Come to a complete stop to comply with the "stop for pedestrians" sign, proceed with caution and watch for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Remain stopped until pedestrians have completely stepped onto the opposite sidewalk.
- Yield to vehicles after passing the crossover and only merge when safe to do so.
- If a pedestrian is waiting to cross, drivers must completely stop to allow pedestrians to cross safely.
- Look both ways and make eye contact with drivers to ensure vehicles clearly see you, and to indicate that you want to cross.
- If a vehicle is too close to safely stop, allow the vehicle to proceed before crossing.
- Only cross when it is safe to do so.
Cyclists (when riding through a crossover):
- Stop and yield at pedestrian crossovers when riding through crossovers. Cyclists face the same responsibilities and fines as drivers.
- When crossing with pedestrians, follow rules for pedestrians: dismount and walk your bike across the road.
Pedestrian crossovers are in accordance with provincial legislation and are part of our commitment to Durham Vision Zero—a long-term, multi-agency strategy to create safer roads.
To learn more about pedestrian crossovers or to watch our video, visit: To learn more about Durham Vision Zero, visit: Us