Climate, Energy and Resilience
Climate Change, Energy and Resilience
On January 29, 2020, Durham Regional Council voted to declare a climate emergency. To act on this direction, Region of Durham is implementing programs to:
- Build more resilient infrastructures, communities, and natural systems to reduce the impacts of climate change, and
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strive to be a carbon neutral community.
In response to Regional Council's climate emergency declaration, in 2021 the Region adopted new community greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets, which are: 10% below by 2025, 30% by 2030, and 100% by 2050 from 2019 levels to align with the federal government's 2050 net zero commitment.

Durham’s Community Energy Plan provides a low carbon pathway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while seizing economic opportunities linked to a clean energy transition.

Durham’s Community Climate Adaptation Plan outlines a strategy to build resiliency while adapting to our changing climate.

As directed by Council’s climate emergency declaration, programs are underway to green regional operations and services.

Learn about climate change and what it means for Durham Region.

Durham Climate Roundtable is a leadership body of public and private-sector representatives working together to strengthen climate action in a collective effort to decarbonize to net zero by 2050.

The Durham Climate Dashboard serves to monitor and track the Durham Community Energy Plan's progress in achieving climate targets, and facilitates ongoing evaluation of progress towards achieving greenhouse gas emission reductions.

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