Did you know about the DYEC?
The Durham York Energy Centre (DYEC) recovers energy from garbage after we rethink, reduce, reuse, and recycle.
The Durham York Energy Centre (DYEC) processes 140,000 tonnes of residential waste annually. It generates enough electricity to power over 10,000 homes, offsetting the use of other fuels for energy production and contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions versus disposing materials at landfills across the province. At the same time, the equivalent of 36 million aluminum cans and 3,000 cars worth of steel is being recovered and recycled annually. This metal would have otherwise been lost to landfill. All the water used as steam in electricity generation is condensed and reused. No water is wasted.
As a modern energy-from-waste facility, the DYEC burns residential garbage in a highly controlled and efficient combustion system, recovers energy and metals, and is equipped with proven air emission control technologies that reduce emissions to safe levels in accordance with strict regulatory requirements. Emissions generated by the DYEC are sampled continuously as well as twice annually during source tests, and air quality near the facility is monitored to ensure it meets the limits set out in the Environmental Compliance Approval and criteria established by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. Results are posted regularly on the website.
As our Region continues to grow, we will need to handle more materials through our diversion as well as our disposal programs. To meet this need, the Region is currently in the process of seeking a permit increase to allow the DYEC to process up to 160,000 tonnes per year. This increase will not require any equipment changes at the facility, which will continue to be required to comply with its permit limits.
To learn more about the DYEC, visit DurhamYorkWaste.ca.Contact Us