Community Growth and Economic Development
As of January 1, 2025, the Planning and Economic Development Department was renamed the Community Growth and Economic Development Department. This change reflects our focus on sustainable growth and collaboration in Durham Region. Read the full Council Report. Division Updates and Services.
The following updates have also been made to reflect the department's evolving roles and responsibilities:
The Planning Division was renamed as the Community Growth Division.
The Plan Implementation Section, which historically led the development approvals function, became Development Advisory Services. This section co-ordinates our one-window Regional comments on local development applications and other planning matters.
The Policy Planning and Special Studies Section is now the Integrated Growth Management and Policy Section, driving integrated planning initiatives.
The Regional Municipality of Durham's Community Growth and Economic Development Department consists of two divisions that are responsible for establishing and implementing a long-term vision for the growth and economic prosperity of the region.
Community Growth Division
The Community Growth Division is responsible for the Durham Regional Official Plan, which provides a broad policy framework for managing the future growth and development of the region.
A goal of the Official Plan is to protect the environment and encourage economic opportunities for the well-being of present and future residents. Ongoing review and development of long range land use and transportation policy ensures that the Official Plan continues to satisfy Durham Region's needs, while respecting provincial policies and plans.
The Region has initiated Envision Durham - the Municipal Comprehensive Review of the Durham Regional Official Plan. To be notified of future public and stakeholder consultations, please submit your name and email address to
Implementation is advanced through the review and approval of development applications, including local area municipal official plan amendments, plans of subdivision/condominiums and land division.
Welcome to the Region of Durham’s Online Development Application Tracking Tool: PLANit.
Please select the link below to access PLANit and view the status of your development application(s).
NEW: Applications can now be submitted online.
Citizen engagement is encouraged and facilitated through the involvement of advisory committees on agriculture, environment and active transportation.
Economic Development and Tourism Division
The Economic Development and Tourism Division promotes Durham Region as an ideal place to establish and do business while enjoying a high quality of life.
The division's main objectives are to create job opportunities, increase the property tax base and nurture private sector investment. To accomplish these objectives, the division engages in strategic business missions, partners with local area municipalities, industry, educational institutions and various international agencies.
Business attraction, retention and expansion, as well as visitor attraction are of the highest priority.
Key sectors include:
- Agri-business
- Energy
- Environment and engineering (EN3)
- Health sciences
- Innovative technology
- Manufacturing
- Tourism
These are promoted through the development of goal-oriented programs, key partnerships, and marketing campaigns and effective response to investment inquiries.
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