Low Cost and Subsidized Recreation Programs
Access low cost and subsidized recreation for you and your family in Durham Region
Advancing Access to Affordable Recreation in Durham (AAARD) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AAARD members work together to help Durham Region residents' access recreation. Municipal and not for profit organizations help people access recreation services. They offer programs to low income residents. |
Municipal programs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ontario Works clients can talk to their caseworker to ask about assistance with costs of participating in municipal recreation programs. Ajax: A variety of fee assistance options are based on eligibility and applicants must be Ajax residents. Please visit one of the community centre customer service desks, call, or visit the Recreation Financial Assistance web page more information.
Brock: No municipal program currently in place. Other partners' subsidy programs are available. Call Alicia Bagshaw at 705-432-2355 extension 243 or email Alicia.Bagshaw@brock.ca. Clarington: Financial assistance programs fund the Municipality of Clarington's recreation programs and memberships. Eligibility is based on financial need. Residents with a permanent disability who meet the age criteria for a fitness facility membership are eligible. Applicants must be Clarington residents. Call Community Services at 905-623-3379 extension 2552 or email subsidy@clarington.net. Oshawa: The City of Oshawa recognizes the value of participating in recreation and believes all residents, regardless of financial circumstances, should be able to enjoy the programs and services offered through our Recreation and Culture Services Branch. Oshawa residents may be eligible to receive financial assistance based on annual income to help with the cost of participation in our programs and services. To be eligible, applicants must have a net family income no greater than 25 per cent above the low income cut off (LICO). More information is available at City of Oshawa Assistance and Accessibility Programs. Call Service Oshawa at 905-436-3311. Pickering: The City of Pickering has a few financial assistance options. They help people register for City of Pickering recreation programs and memberships. Eligibility is based on financial need. Applicants must be City of Pickering residents. Call Sharon Milton at 905-420-4620 extension 3601 or email smilton@pickering.ca. Scugog: The Township of Scugog strives to create an inclusive environment where all people can participate in recreational activities. The recreation staff partner with many organizations to offer financial assistance. More information is available on the Township of Scugog’s Accessible Recreation page. Call Community Services at 905-985-8698 or email recreation@scugog.ca. Uxbridge: Funding for Township of Uxbridge recreational programs is available upon request. Eligibility is based on financial need. Call Amanda Ferraro at 905-852-9181 extension 400 or email aferraro@town.uxbridge.on.ca. Whitby: The Access Program provides funding for Town of Whitby recreation programs. Eligibility is based on financial need and applicants must be Whitby residents. Participants ages 55 and up will have the 55+ Recreation Services Membership included when approved for our Access Program. Complete the application form for Whitby Recreation Assistance. Call 905-655-2893 or email subsidy@whitby.ca. |
Community programs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Abilities Centre: Anyone experiencing financial hardship can apply to the Membership Assistance Program. Contact Sheree Nicholson via email at snicholson@abilitiescentre.org. Boys and Girls Club of Durham: Provides subsidy for some recreation and camp programs. Eligibility is based on financial need and applicants must be Boys and Girls Club members. Contact Lisa McNee Baker via email at Lmcneebaker@bgcdurham.com. Girls Inc. Durham: Offers financial assistance to those who may not be able to pay the full enrolment fee for Girls Inc. programs. Financial assistance is offered based on available funds and works on a sliding scale. Call Tracey McCannell, Director of Programming at 905-428-8111 extension 222 or email tmccannell@durham.girls-inc.org. Grandview Children's Centre: Therapeutic Recreation programs are offered for children and youth with special needs. Programs are offered at a nominal cost to children and youth that live in Durham Region. Grandview Children's Foundation and government grants support Grandview. Contact Grandview Kids at 905-728-1673 or visit www.grandviewkids.ca. YMCA Child and Family Development - Durham Region: A Funded After School Strategy from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. |
Canadian Tire Jumpstart | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Canadian Tire Jumpstart (CTJS) will fund physically active programs for children between the ages of four to 18. You can call the Canadian Tire Jumpstart Call Centre at 1-844-YES-PLAY or submit an application for Jumpstart online.
Their Opportunity | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Their Opportunity helps low-income families enroll their children in local sports and recreation programs. Children receiving sponsorship "pay it forward" through Their Opportunity's give-back program. For more information, call 905-444-9992 or email info@theiropportunity.com. |
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