International Agricultural Worker Housing Inspections
International agricultural workers (IAWs) are considered essential workers that come to Ontario to work in the seasonal agricultural sector. Housing accommodations for IAWs must be inspected by Durham Region Health Department prior to worker arrival.
Seasonal housing for international agricultural workers
Providing housing for the first time or in new accommodations:
Every owner/operator who intends to provide seasonal housing for international agricultural workers for the first time or in a new accommodation shall notify Durham Region Health Department in writing of their intent no later than six weeks prior to the arrival of international agricultural workers.
I have existing housing accommodations:
For existing housing accommodations, please contact Durham Region Health Department a minimum of four weeks prior to worker arrival to arrange an inspection of the seasonal housing accommodations at least 14 days prior to international agricultural workers arriving.
Please note that all IAW housing accommodations must comply with all local building, fire and zoning requirements. It is strongly recommended that those building new bunkhouses, renovating existing bunkhouses, and/or renovating other buildings (e.g. residential homes) for the purpose of accommodating international agricultural workers consult with their local building department and fire department well in advance to ensure permits can be obtained and requirements met before the final inspection for worker approval is conducted.
International agricultural worker resources
International agricultural worker welcome pamphlet English | Spanish
Housing accommodation |
Workplace |
Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (OHCOW) OHCOW provides support and resources to IAWs to ensure their safety and health at work. They offer information on labor laws, worker safety, and access to medical services. Additionally, OHCOW provides educational materials like posters, guides, and infographics in different languages to help IAWs understand their rights and stay healthy. |
Support services for international agricultural workers
The Neighbourhood Organization (TNO): Worker support services
TNO supports international agricultural workers in Durham with:
- Accurate information on available services and supports regarding health, legal, and social services.
- Provides education and empowers international agricultural workers to exercise their rights while in Canada.
- Supports increased social, civic engagement and participation of international agricultural workers in their communities.
- Email:
- Phone: (416) 421-1832
- WhatsApp: (416) 524-1988
- Website: Visit the TNO Worker Support Services website
Mental health and psychosocial support services |
Mental health and addiction treatment services For mental health supports during isolation, ConnexOntario provides telephone, text, chat, and email assistance available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Language supports are available in over 170 languages, including Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Vietnamese, Thai, Polish, and Serbian. |
COVID-19 information |
Visit our COVID-19 Update page for the latest information from Durham Region Health Department. |
Report abuse or mistreatment
You can confidentially report being abused or mistreated using this Online Fraud Reporting Tool.
Report a housing concern or complaint
All international agricultural worker housing is inspected by Durham Region Health Department prior to worker arrival. If you have any questions or concerns about housing conditions, call us at 1-800-841-2729 or 905-668-2020 to speak to a public health inspector.
Contact Us