2022 Health Check-Up!
Message from the Commissioner & Medical Officer of Health
I am pleased to present the 2022 Durham Health Check Up! This year’s report summarizes our accomplishments and provides a snapshot of our COVID-19 pandemic response and recovery efforts which continued throughout 2022.
The year 2022 marked the third calendar year of the COVID-19 pandemic, and during this time, the Province of Ontario continued to follow the Roadmap to Reopen to guide a safe and gradual reopening of the province based on vaccination rates and improvement of key public health indicators. In 2022, Durham Region Health Department (DRHD) worked on restoring public health programs and services while balancing the need to respond to additional waves of COVID-19 and vaccinating additional eligible populations. Durham Region reported over 71,500 cases of COVID-19 and wastewater surveillance indicated that viral signals for SARS-CoV-2 continued to be high, demonstrating that COVID-19 continued to be prevalent in the community towards the end of 2022. The COVID-19 in Durham Region: Comparison of Waves report shows that we were experiencing waves 5, 6 and 7 of the pandemic throughout 2022. For Durham Region residents, 2022 represented a third year of hardships related to COVID-19, such as illness and death, mental health challenges, and economic burdens, among many others.
Despite these challenges, 2022 was also the year that mandates and restrictions were lifted, and services were restored across the Region. Provincially, all non-essential services were able to fully reopen in the beginning of March, followed by the removal of mask mandates in most places, including schools, by mid-March.
By the end of 2022, approximately 80 per cent of Durham’s population completed their two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series and almost half of the population aged five and older received a booster shot. These achievements helped residents protect themselves and their communities and would not have been possible without the collaborative efforts by DRHD staff, Regional colleagues, the provincial government, and various community partners and organizations.
I am thankful to the teams at DRHD that continued to work tirelessly on pandemic response activities and those that worked to adapt and restore regular programs and services, in addition to those who split their time between both.
I recognize and applaud the resilience and determination that DRHD staff has displayed over the past three years. Through our collective efforts, we have demonstrated that #PublicHealthProtects.
Robert Kyle, BSc, MD, MHSc, CCFP, FRCPC, FACPM
Key Health Department Achievements
2022 COVID-19 response in numbers
DRHD engaged in various COVID-19 response activities to reduce the spread of disease and protect the health and safety of area residents.
Between January 1 and December 31, 2022, a total of 464,563 doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered.
COVID-19 response

- As of December 31, 2022, over 1.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine were administered across Durham Region since the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine campaign.
- Approximately 80 per cent of Durham’s eligible population completed their two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series.
- Nearly half of the population aged five and older received a booster dose.
COVID-19 response activities and accomplishments
Case and contact management |
Case and contact management reduces the burden of COVID-19 by identifying probable and confirmed cases of COVID-19 and follows positive cases and their contacts to provide instructions, assessment, and contact tracing. Contact management activities include calling identified COVID-19 contacts, assessing exposure risks, providing health education and recommendations based on risks, and monitoring as appropriate.
Communications |
Inspections and investigations |
Outbreak management |
Public health inspectors (PHIs):
School-focused nurses |
Provided 1,655 school assessments and consultations with school staff regarding infection prevention practices. |
Surveillance |
Paramedic services |
Restoration and regular programs and services
In addition to continuing active COVID-19 response activities, DRHD transitioned from operating only high-priority regular programs and services to working towards restoring regular programs and services throughout 2022.
Health Analytics and Business Affairs |
Administrative Services Goal: To provide effective and efficient support to all DRHD divisions, programs and services that help to enhance the delivery of the Ontario Public Health Standards and to meet all requirements of internal and external customers.
Community & Resource Development ![]() Goal: To provide support to all DRHD divisions, programs, and services, helping to enhance compliance with the Ontario Public Health Standards.
Oversaw 100 per cent of DRHD's media relations, social media accounts and advertising to promote Regional programs/services and increase awareness on issues of public health importance. Privacy & Information Security
![]() Goal: To provide effective and efficient privacy and information security support to all DRHD divisions, programs and services that helps to enhance compliance with applicable privacy and public health related legislation, information security standards and information management best practices.
Health Analytics & Research Team (HART)
![]() Population Health Assessment Goal: Public health practice responds effectively to current and evolving conditions and contributes to the public’s health and well-being with programs and services that are informed by the population’s health status, including social determinants of health and health inequities. Effective Public Health Practice Goal: Public health practice is transparent, responsive to current and emerging evidence, and emphasizes continuous quality improvement.
Building on the success of the COVID-19 Data Tracker HART built on the success of the COVID-19 Data Tracker to create more dashboards in 2022, namely the Population Data Tracker and Cancer Data Tracker. The Population Data Tracker provides estimated population counts and selected demographic indicators by year from 1986 to 2021 for Durham Region and the eight municipalities. The Cancer Data Tracker provides cancer incidence and mortality data for Durham Region and Ontario by year, age group, sex, and type of cancer. Health Neighbourhoods also benefited from a move to a more interactive format with new online dashboards for indicator summaries and neighbourhood profiles that replaced 147 old PDFs. Regional GIS support created the dashboards and updated the Map Viewer platform, which now has the option to list points of interest by neighbourhood. Release 4 of Health Neighbourhoods provided 20 new indicators, 66 indicators with new time comparisons, and 33 sociodemographic indicators updated with 2016 Census data. The Durham Region Health Profile report provides an excellent reference listing of all 96 indicators and time periods with comparisons to Ontario where available. Users can even download health neighbourhoods data in tabular form using the Region’s Open Data site. Health Policy & Equity Team
![]() Health Equity Goal: To provide support across public health programs so that public health practice decreases health inequities such that everyone has equal opportunities for optimal health and can attain their full health potential without disadvantage due to social position or other socially determined circumstances. Health Policy Goal: To provide policy expertise, advice and support across public health programs to meet Regional and Provincial reporting requirements and develop policy initiatives.
Health Protection |
Durham Health Connection Line (DHCL) - Health Protection Goal: To ensure Durham Region residents have access to health information and counselling and referral to appropriate resources on health issues as outlined in the Ontario Public Health Standards.
Received and responded to 7,212 public inquiries through DHCL in the Health Protection Division. ![]() Emergency Management
Goal: To enable consistent and effective management of emergency situations.
![]() Food Safety
Goal: To prevent or reduce the burden of food-borne illness and support the enforcement of the Healthy Menu Choices Act, 2015.
![]() Healthy Environments
Goal: To prevent or reduce the burden of illness from health hazards in the physical environment.
![]() Ontario Building Code - Part 8 (Sewage Systems)
Goal: To prevent diseases in humans and contamination of the physical environment due to on-site private sewage systems.
Safe Water Goal: To prevent or reduce the burden of water-borne illness related to drinking water and to prevent or reduce the burden of water-borne illness and injury related to recreational water use.
Healthy Families |
![]() Durham Health Connection Line (DHCL) – Population Health Goal: To ensure Durham Region residents have access to health information and counselling and referral to appropriate resources on health issues as outlined in the Ontario Public Health Standards.
Responded to inquiries from the community through 6,827 telephone contacts. ![]() Child & Youth, Prenatal & Newborn, and Healthy Babies Healthy Children Goal: To achieve optimal preconception, pregnancy, newborn, child, youth, parental and family health.
The breastfeeding clinic re-opened and in-person breastfeeding support was expanded Exclusive breastfeeding for six months is widely recommended and has many benefits for the infant and mother. When breastfeeding support is offered, the duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding is increased. In February 2022, the Whitby Mall breastfeeding clinic re-opened to in-person visits. After supporting clients virtually over the pandemic, the return of in-person visits were embraced by clients and staff. As 2022 progressed, public health nurses expanded breastfeeding support throughout the community to include a collaboration with Lakeridge Health Oshawa in the Babies Clinic, the return of in-home visits throughout Durham Region, and the reopening of the Lakeridge Health Port Perry Hospital breastfeeding clinic to service residents of North Durham. Supporting clients along their breastfeeding journey to reach their feeding goals is a very rewarding experience. Similarly, client appreciation is often shared with the breastfeeding team, as demonstrated from a client email received in Fall 2022: "I just want to say another thank-you to the nurses at the Whitby mall location - I'm on day 6 of exclusive breastfeeding. It has not been easy - a baby with jaundice who had to be exclusively bottle fed for the first month and after so many attempts to breastfeed I was ready to give up...but the nurses helped me from the very beginning - building and maintaining my supply, help with positioning and latching, and weigh ins to help build my confidence. I met my goal of exclusive breastfeeding which I honestly had given up on. Many thanks and well wishes for 2023." ![]() Infant & Child Development
Goal: To enhance the growth and development of children, including those with a developmental disability and/or risk of developmental delay by partnering with families to provide support, information, and early intervention services.
Healthy Living |
Prevention of Injury and Substance Misuse Goal: To reduce the burden of preventable injuries and substance use.
Development of an updated Opioid Response Plan with community partners In 2018, DRHD staff worked with community partners to develop a local Opioid Response Plan for Durham Region. An Opioid Task Force was created to act as stewards of the plan and support advancement of the work outlined. To build upon the work accomplished within the first plan, Durham Region Opioid Task Force members created an updated Opioid Response Plan, which was finalized in February 2022. The updated plan aligns with Health Canada’s Canadian Drug and Substance Strategy. A complex issue like opioid overdoses requires a comprehensive, collaborative, compassionate, and evidence-based approach. The Canadian Drug and Substance Strategy is a four-pillar framework that helps to ensure a comprehensive approach to the issue and ensures work is supported by a strong evidence base. The pillars include prevention, treatment, harm reduction and enforcement.
School Health Goal: To achieve optimal health of children and youth in schools through partnership and collaboration with school boards and schools.
Provided 412 school consultations from September to December, including 381 mental health consultations. Oral Health Goal: To enable all children in Durham Region to attain and sustain optimal oral health and development potential, and to support children and youth enrolled in Healthy Smiles Ontario (HSO), seniors enrolled in the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program (OSDCP), and residents in Durham Region’s Long-Term Care Homes (LTCHs) who require assistance in accessing oral health information and dental care services.
![]() Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 Goal: To ensure that tobacco, e-cigarette vendors, and other organizations that are subject to the Smoke Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA) comply with the Act and to restrict youth access to tobacco products and e-cigarettes.
The number of Speciality Vape Stores and Tobacconist Stores is on the rise in Durham Region Specialty Vape Store (SVS)/Tobacconist Store applications have increased from 2019 from 13 stores to 58 stores in 2022. The numbers continue to rise in 2023; Durham Region has approximately 65 SVS stores and three Tobacconist stores. During the pandemic, we saw an influx of convenience stores wanting to open a SVS within their current store location. This resulted in 28 smaller kiosk SVS stores operating in this manner. |
Infectious Diseases |
![]() Immunization
Goal: To reduce or eliminate the burden of vaccine preventable diseases through immunization.
![]() Goal: To reduce the burden of communicable diseases and other infectious diseases of public health importance.
![]() Infectious Diseases Prevention & Control - Population Health Goal: To reduce the burden of communicable diseases and other infectious diseases of public health importance.
Paramedic Services
Quality Assurance & Improvement
![]() Goal: To ensure that programs and services meet requirements as articulated in policies, standards and legislation and to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services provided to Durham Region clients. Accomplishments: Verified publicly disclosed inspection summary signs and geolocation on the Hedgehog 5 disclosure portal with 600 disclosure checks. |
2022 Financial Information
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